(415) 454-7595

Lowrie yacht harbor inc
40 point san pedro road
san rafael, ca 94901

Navigating your way in and out of the bay

For those with a little extra draft, here's a comprehensive guide for how to get out into the bay hassle free

Upon approach to the canal, look with your binoculars for the two red and white land markers located at Marin Yacht club.  At night you can identify them as each having a blinking red light.  If these are properly lined up, you are in the center of the channel.  The channel is approximately 60 to 100 feet wide, starting from the green channel markers.  We find it best to keep the green channel markers approximately 20 to 30 feet to our port as we navigate our way through the channel going home bound.   Once you are in the San Rafael Canal, stay with the natural flow of the water, keeping as close to the center of the waterway as boating traffic permits.  When exiting the harbor, these navigational pointers remain the same, only in reverse.  Keep in mind that where all US channel markers are concerned, the rule is Red Right Returning.  Please use these photographs to aid you in your navigation, and have a great day on the bay!

For a complete list of US navigational rules as provided by the US Coast Guard click here


Visit databases for detailed charts of the bay area

Click hereto view a comprehensive chart of the San Francisco bay area.

For charts of the California coastclick here.


See what the tides are doing in our area

Click here to view our local tide chart


Check local weather forecasts

Click hereto view San Rafael's weather forecast

For San Rafael's marine forecastclick here